Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our news...

So, I think it's time to post on the blog...

We're expecting. :-) Again. :-)

I'm due in the middle of July and everything is going well. I'm past the sick stage, but of course, the energy is not coming back. I always have such plans of getting things done while I'm pregnant, and it just doesn't happen. I'm barely able to eat, let alone get food for anyone else.

Luckily, Frodo is expanding his cooking repertoire and Rapunzel is even able to get sandwiches made and diapers changed.

I'm getting lots of novels read again, which is nice.

So. That's that. Big news for lots of folks. But for your 5th? ;-) Every baby is a new beginning and we're excited to meet this new little one. :-)


singinggoldielocks said...

Yeah for you! I think I want a 5th soon too.........just want to lose a little weight first.......

Doreen said...

Congrats. Again. hehe Glad you're starting to feel better. :o)

LeShel said...

Congrats on your 5th! It's magical! July is a good month to have a baby! The sun is shining and it's not January

Erin said...

Congratulations! Glad to hear you have lots of help from the kids. July 3rd is a great day to have a baby;).

momof5foxes said...

welcome to the club! I look forward to hearing yet another one of your awesome birth stories!

Mom's Sewing Vault said...

Wouldn't it be funny if in addition to Little sharing my birthday, New Little shared *my* Little's birthday?! lol

Mama bee said...


Connie said...

Congratulations! I hope you get some energy back soon!

Renee said...

Congratulations Karin!

kanaboke said...

Yaaaay! Congratulations! I'm sure Frodo would love a mini Frodo so I will stand patiently in his corner and see what God has in store for your awesome family!

chicagosapps said...

Wow! Congratulations! You usually have pretty strong intuition about gender--do you have an idea with this one?

Karin said...

It's interesting you ask that chicagosapps...Of course I'm sure of the gender. ;-) In fact, we already have the first name, but it's one of those things where you are going through your lists and then something from left field shows up in your head and you go "no way! That's terrible! I would never want to saddle a kid with that name!" and it just won't go away.

It's the little one's name. I just can't bring myself to say it out loud to other people yet... ;-) We are still looking for a middle name, and can't find anything that will work (duh, the names that would work are just as bad...)lol. It is growing on me and I don't think it's terrible anymore, but I still would not ever put it on my "short list" of names. :-)

Aah well, these kids have an agenda before they are even here. :-)