Monday, April 6, 2009


I know, what a boring title, right? I just couldn't think of anything witty at the moment and I really need to get a post done.

Frodo is acing his times tables after a few accommodations in the classroom and is learning the finer points of 3rd grade bathroom humor and why some kids think it's okay to tease mercilessly. He's also learned how to cook ramen and crepes and loves to learn new dishes. He and Rapunzel made me so proud at their great-grandmas house for breakfast. They said all the right things and used their best manners. It's times like that that make it worth it. They wanted to show their grandma how much they appreciated all the work she put into making breakfast for them.

He moved his things into the extra bedroom last week. I almost cried. If I had known it was going to stay, I would have cried. My baby is gettng big and he wants his own private space.I knew the transition would come, just like others have and new ones will. I'm so glad it was done smoothly and without any pain.

He still likes to jump on my furniture and bother his sisters. He's becoming a master at avoiding chores, but on the whole, he is growing into a delightsome boy. I'm glad he's mine. :-)

Rapunzel is loving reading when it is on her own terms. She loves being able to read the names of being she knows: Nephi and Sariah and some of their own stories. She felt so accomplished when she actually read her scriptures in family reading instead of parroting while a parent read them to her. She constantly is telling me that *all* girls are princesses and loves to help her sister with her princess attire. She no longer likes school, but still loves her teachers. She knows how to change a cloth diaper (mostly) is so good about playing with both Buggy and Baby. she says funny things all the time, but I can't remember any of them right now. :-)

Buggy had surgery this past weeek. Just a little one, but surgery nonetheless. she had her ear tubes replaced and since we knew she needed it, we decided to get a bunch of pending trests all done at the same time with the same anesthesia. Anyone remember her last bout with anesthesia? (If I were any handier with HTML, I would have a link to that post...alas...) She was cranky and yelled for 3 weeks. This time, she has been very lethargic, and snuggly, but no crankier than normal. they tested her for functioning lung cilia (a total longshot, but actually a possible problem)and they also cultured all of the junk hanging out in her lungs.The fun thing she threw in this time was "weird breathing." Let me tell you...that was fun for neurotic old me...

She would gasp in two or three times before she had enough air for an exhale, which also happened in two or three gasps. We had her on her monitors and I was calling her docs.She needed to be on oxygen after we came home. I know they messed with her lungs which could potentially cause some problems, but come on. :-P

We'll find out the results of everything in a day or so.

Buggy also got a new pair of braces that have seriously cut down on the drunken sailor gait and have given her new stability and confidence in the walking arena.

Baby is starting to walk! This weekend she was taking 2 & 3 steps. She also started vomiting like crazy...while nursing, sometimes. Fun times at our house for all. :-P

Happy Spring everyone!


Sylwia said...

it's fun to hear about your family. but i was confused by the ramen noodle cooking. i thought you guys were into health food.

Karin said...

we are into health food. But you've got to start somewhere while learning how to cook. :-)

Science Teacher Mommy said...

I know that a boring post title from you never actually means that life is boring. I didn't know you had gone the public school route. I think my Jedi is a bit like your Frodo. I always wonder if he'll fit in, and then I wonder if I really want him to.

chicagosapps said...

Hugs to all your cuties. Does Frodo want a baby brother since he is surrounded by so many princesses?

LeShel said...

I love your Frodo! I wish mine and yours could link up, they'd totally understand each other.
I love the cooking your kids are doing and so want to sit down to a plate of delicious crepes.
Best of luck with the throwing up, yuck, yuck.
Glad for the new braces. How wonderful! Hope that her breathing can better regulate and she can find some comfort soon.

Karin said...

STM, I wonder the same and have to field rebuttals from family that question his social skills with all that homeschooling. We decided as a family that all would attend public school this year. My postpartum anxiety with Baby was too much for me to deal with on my own.

sidebar: How ironic is that? No meds needed for after Buggy and meds *needed* after Baby (the "low-stress" birth). Of course, this was all in conjunction with psychotherapy as well.

Anyway, Frodo is so compassionate and tender, I was always concerned that he would be eaten alive in PS. My "pre-homeschool" self would have said that he needed to get used to it, after all, that's the way the world is, right? But now I think that he's okay just the way he is. He will make an amazing father someday and a wonderful asset to his community (at least I can have a mother's hope, right?)

It's my contribution to a better world. The way we stop cut-throat businesspeople and bottom-line philosophy is to make softer people, right?

enough waxing poetic and taking any kind of credit for my son's unique personality. ;-)

Andrea said...

I miss you guys. I wish we still lived close by. You always have so many great insights. Keep up the good work! :)

RachelWriting said...

Baby is WALKING? How old is she now? That's awesome!
BTW to html a link, you use these angle brackets: <> Inside them you put (open bracket)a href="(the link inside these quotes)"(close bracket) then you put the words you want people to click on to go to the link, then you put a (/a) inside the brackets after that. Is that completely confusing? None of the parentheses are part of it.
Anyway I hope we'll see you Monday at the 80th birthday bash! :)

Sarah H said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. How fun that we both know Lajuanna. She is great.

Sarah H said...

OH, and I love that you have had a VBA2C. I love hearing those stories.